I am officially an Interior Designer
Wow! Such a long time i abandoned my little bloggie until I have a lot to be update here now.
Firstly, I was successfully graduated since 2months ago. And I also successfully get A grade for my final design subject which was a difficult to achieve the grade. I was also stepped into the sociality more than 3months ago, and now I am officially an Interior Designer.
What's the different between in university and office?
1. I get more sleep, i slept 7-8hours per day!
2. I get more relax and free time!
3. I earned my own money!
4. I spent my own money!
5. I get more bored!
6. I am getting poor!
but, I am still enjoying with my works. A lot of chances for me to learn on, experience with. Appreciate with my job and keep on working hard to succeed my future! (I plan it)
Here would be the last post that related to university, and a real Interior Design work coming soon. I feel proud of myself :$ (sound with joking)