
Blogging Time

Recently found that, I am not that patient to write a "complete/detail" blog anymore. Once wrote until a certain point, I could be "lazy" to elaborate more and more. So, wassup after my big big review? I got my 10++ hours sleep EVERYDAY and make me become more and more lazy to be awake! Opps... :) Well, after a long long rest, and that is enough for me and there is no more sleep until I finish up my last work. Just got a notice to participate in the NPYDA competition last few days, and the submission date will be on September 15. Still wondering is it good for participate in? Because the coming semester is my FINAL! I couldn't promise so easily that I can join it eventhough is just using back my previous project to participate. So.... thinking.... If I manage to join, I will not back hometown for this semester break and spend my time for upgrading my 3d skill here. However, I did join for the brief just last Friday, the theme was green design. Nowadays issue all about green! Would not care about the theme yet, but the refreshment after the brief was luxury that can't stop my appetite to enjoy the food. The waiters were serving you like you are in the 6stars banquet. Too bad, I just ate few pieces of small cakes because I got a steamboat buffet dinner with my coursemates after that :(. The steamboat that day did not actually satisfy me. I can't feel the spicy as my first time ate that. Next to the boringness Saturday Night. My favourite show, We got married has stop broadcasting since last 2 weeks due to the problems occur in Korea. Thought there is a good news that this week will be resume the show, but there was emergency cancelled for the show again! How sad! 3 weeks I had wait for. Miss yongseo sweet couple! :( When is the show resuming back???.............. Can't wait for it.

posted some of my rendering work. Yet, it's not the final submission :).. it's my final project for this semester, Corporate Office of Cadbury. However, I learned V-ray for this semester, and keep improving my skill now. Not that good yet, but at least i got a nice try.

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